NIGMS Human Genetic Cell Repository
Subcollection |
CEPH Repository Linkage Families |
Alternate IDs |
Quantity |
25 µg |
Quantitation Method |
Please see our FAQ |
Biopsy Source
Peripheral vein
Cell Type
Tissue Type
Epstein-Barr Virus
Sample Source
DNA from LCL
Family Member
Relation to Proband
Diagnosis confirmation is not possible
Homo sapiens
Common Name
Xing X, Ji X, Liu X, Jin X, He Z, Xu A, Jiang W, Ji W, Liu Y, Zhang J, Huang X, Development and validation of a one-step The Analyst150:142-153 2024 |
PubMed ID: 39584662 |
Talal AH, Ding Y, Venuto CS, Chakan LM, McLeod A, Dharia A, Morse GD, Brown LS, Markatou M, Kharasch ED, Toward precision prescribing for methadone: Determinants of methadone deposition PloS one15:e0231467 2019 |
PubMed ID: 32302325 |
Lyon E, Laver T, Yu P, Jama M, Young K, Zoccoli M, Marlowe N, A simple, high-throughput assay for Fragile X expanded alleles using triple repeat primed PCR and capillary electrophoresis The Journal of molecular diagnostics : JMD12:505-11 2010 |
PubMed ID: 20431035 |
Li L, Fridley B, Kalari K, Jenkins G, Batzler A, Safgren S, Hildebrandt M, Ames M, Schaid D, Wang L, Gemcitabine and Cytosine Arabinoside Cytotoxicity: Association with Lymphoblastoid Cell Expression Cancer research68:7050-7058 2008 |
PubMed ID: 18757419 |
Boyko AR, Williamson SH, Indap AR, Degenhardt JD, Hernandez RD, Lohmueller KE, Adams MD, Schmidt S, Sninsky JJ, Sunyaev SR, White TJ, Nielsen R, Clark AG, Bustamante CD, Assessing the evolutionary impact of amino acid mutations in the human genome PLoS genetics4:e1000083 2007 |
PubMed ID: 18516229 |
Crawford DC, Ritchie MD, Rieder MJ, Identifying the genotype behind the phenotype: a role model found in VKORC1 and its association with warfarin dosing Pharmacogenomics8:487-96 2007 |
PubMed ID: 17465713 |
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PubMed ID: 17764537 |
Beckman KB, Abel KJ, Braun A, Halperin E, Using DNA pools for genotyping trios Nucleic Acids Research34(19):e129 2006 |
PubMed ID: 17020923 |
Bhangale TR, Rieder MJ, Livingston RJ, Nickerson DA, Comprehensive identification and characterization of diallelic insertion-deletion polymorphisms in 330 human candidate genes. Hum Mol Genet14(1):59-69 2005 |
PubMed ID: 15525656 |
Bustamante CD, Fledel-Alon A, Williamson S, Nielsen R, Hubisz MT, Glanowski S, Tanenbaum DM, White TJ, Sninsky JJ, Hernandez RD, Civello D, Adams MD, Cargill M, Clark AG, Natural selection on protein-coding genes in the human genome Nature437:1153-7 2005 |
PubMed ID: 16237444 |
Carlson CS, Aldred SF, Lee PK, Tracy RP, Schwartz SM, Rieder M, Liu K, Williams OD, Iribarren C, Lewis EC, Fornage M, Boerwinkle E, Gross M, Jaquish C, Nickerson DA, Myers RM, Siscovick DS, Reiner AP, Polymorphisms within the C-Reactive Protein (CRP) Promoter Region Are Associated with Plasma CRP Levels. Am J Hum Genet77(1):64-77 2005 |
PubMed ID: 15897982 |
Carlson CS, Thomas DJ, Eberle MA, Swanson JE, Livingston RJ, Rieder MJ, Nickerson DA, Genomic regions exhibiting positive selection identified from dense genotype data Genome research15:1553-65 2005 |
PubMed ID: 16251465 |
Hinds DA, Stuve LL, Nilsen GB, Halperin E, Eskin E, Ballinger DG, Frazer KA, Cox DR, Whole-genome patterns of common DNA variation in three human populations. Science307(5712):1072-9 2005 |
PubMed ID: 15718463 |
Meza MM, Yu L, Rodriguez YY, Guild M, Thompson D, Gandolfi AJ, Klimecki WT, Developmentally restricted genetic determinants of human arsenic metabolism: association between urinary methylated arsenic and CYT19 polymorphisms in children Environmental health perspectives113:775-81 2005 |
PubMed ID: 15929903 |
Ramsey CD, Lazarus R, Camargo CA, Weiss ST, Celedón JC, Polymorphisms in the interleukin 17F gene (IL17F) and asthma Genes and immunity6:236-41 2005 |
PubMed ID: 15703761 |
Wu WM, Tsai HJ, Pang JH, Wang TH, Wang HS, Hong HS, Lee YS, Linear allele-specific long-range amplification: a novel method of long-range molecular haplotyping Human mutation26:393-4 2005 |
PubMed ID: 16134125 |
Akey JM, Eberle MA, Rieder MJ, Carlson CS, Shriver MD, Nickerson DA, Kruglyak L, Population history and natural selection shape patterns of genetic variation in 132 genes. PLoS Biol2(10):e286 2004 |
PubMed ID: 15361935 |
Carlson CS, Eberle MA, Rieder MJ, Yi Q, Kruglyak L, Nickerson DA, Selecting a maximally informative set of single-nucleotide polymorphisms for association analyses using linkage disequilibrium. Am J Hum Genet74(1):106-20 2004 |
PubMed ID: 14681826 |
Crawford DC, Bhangale T, Li N, Hellenthal G, Rieder MJ, Nickerson DA, Stephens M, Evidence for substantial fine-scale variation in recombination rates across the human genome. Nat Genet36(7):700-6 2004 |
PubMed ID: 15184900 |
Crawford DC, Carlson CS, Rieder MJ, Carrington DP, Yi Q, Smith JD, Eberle MA, Kruglyak L, Nickerson DA, Haplotype diversity across 100 candidate genes for inflammation, lipid metabolism, and blood pressure regulation in two populations. Am J Hum Genet74(4):610-22 2004 |
PubMed ID: 15015130 |
Ding K, Zhou K, Zhang J, Knight J, Zhang X, Shen Y, The effect of haplotype-block definitions on inference of haplotype-block structure and htSNPs selection Molecular biology and evolution22:148-59 2004 |
PubMed ID: 15371531 |
Matsuzaki H, Dong S, Loi H, Di X, Liu G, Hubbell E, Law J, Berntsen T, Chadha M, Hui H, Yang G, Kennedy GC, Webster TA, Cawley S, Walsh PS, Jones KW, Fodor SP, Mei R, Genotyping over 100,000 SNPs on a pair of oligonucleotide arrays. Nat Methods1(2):109-11 2004 |
PubMed ID: 15782172 |
Randolph AG, Lange C, Silverman EK, Lazarus R, Silverman ES, Raby B, Brown A, Ozonoff A, Richter B, Weiss ST, The IL12B gene is associated with asthma. Am J Hum Genet75(4):709-15 2004 |
PubMed ID: 15322986 |
Sebat J, Lakshmi B, Troge J, Alexander J, Young J, Lundin P, Maner S, Massa H, Walker M, Chi M, Navin N, Lucito R, Healy J, Hicks J, Ye K, Reiner A, Gilliam TC, Trask B, Patterson N, Zetterberg A, Wigler M, Large-scale copy number polymorphism in the human genome. Science305(5683):525-8 2004 |
PubMed ID: 15273396 |
Tantisira K, Klimecki WT, Lazarus R, Palmer LJ, Raby BA, Kwiatkowski DJ, Silverman E, Vercelli D, Martinez FD, Weiss ST, Toll-like receptor 6 gene (TLR6): single-nucleotide polymorphism frequencies and preliminary association with the diagnosis of asthma. Genes Immun5(5):343-6 2004 |
PubMed ID: 15266299 |
Antson DO, Mendel-Hartvig M, Landegren U, Nilsson M, PCR-generated padlock probes distinguish homologous chromosomes through quantitative fluorescence analysis European journal of human genetics : EJHG11:357-63 2003 |
PubMed ID: 12734539 |
Carlson CS, Eberle MA, Rieder MJ, Smith JD, Kruglyak L, Nickerson DA, Additional SNPs and linkage-disequilibrium analyses are necessary for
whole-genome association studies in humans. Nat Genet33(4):518-21 2003 |
PubMed ID: 12652300 |
Jurevic RJ, Bai M, Chadwick RB, White TC, Dale BA, Single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in human beta-defensin 1: high-throughput SNP assays and association with Candida carriage in type I diabetics and nondiabetic controls. J Clin Microbiol41(1):90-6 2003 |
PubMed ID: 12517831 |
Yu L, Kalla K, Guthrie E, Vidrine A, Klimecki WT, Genetic variation in genes associated with arsenic metabolism: glutathione S-transferase omega 1-1 and purine nucleoside phosphorylase polymorphisms in European and indigenous Americans Environmental health perspectives111:1421-7 2003 |
PubMed ID: 12928150 |
Halushka MK, Fan JB, Bentley K, Hsie L, Shen N, Weder A, Cooper R, Lipshutz R,
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PubMed ID: 10391210 |
Doege KJ, Coulter SN, Meek LM, Maslen K, Wood JG, A human-specific polymorphism in the coding region of the aggrecan gene. Variable number of tandem repeats produce a range of core protein sizes in the general population. J Biol Chem272(21):13974-9 1997 |
PubMed ID: 9153261 |